


With the help of my administration, we have made great strides in implementing smart technological solutions that have assisted in everything from increased financial budgeting that allows us to better track where our taxpayer dollars are being spent, to solving crimes and large investigations.

  • Upgraded the internet-based technology available to first responders, shifting from radio connection to First Net squad care internet. 

  • Introduced the “People’s Budget,” an online transparency tool that digitized the City’s budget and enabled citizens to see exactly how their tax dollars are spent. 

  • Instructed the City Engineer and Chief Technology Officer to geo-locate COVID cases to track viral spread in our community during the pandemic. This information was used to direct resources and target messaging—an approach that saved lives.

  • Launched an innovative, first-in-the-nation approach to mapping the digital divide using devices on City garbage trucks. This “mapping” is the first major step toward providing low-cost, high-speed internet for all Shreveport citizens.

Let’s continue our momentum and make Shreveport a hub for smart technology.