Economic Development
It has been a priority to bring jobs to Shreveport—and to make sure they stay here. I am pleased with the work we have done so far and ready to continue attracting more job opportunities to our community. Additionally, continuing to push smart upgrades to our water system, city services, and infrastructure to create a Shreveport for today and tomorrow.
Brought a $200 million Amazon fulfillment center to Shreveport creating over 1,000 direct jobs and an additional 1,100 indirect jobs.
Grew the City’s Operating Reserve Fund in two years by approximately $24.5 million for 2021, the highest projected level in over two decades from a $1.2 million deficit.
Broke ground on a $14 million expansion to the Center for Molecular Imaging and Therapy, which conducts life-saving research and produces state-of-the-art radio pharmaceuticals.
Conducted an $11 million runway expansion at Shreveport Regional to accommodate larger aircraft.
Worked with City Council to implement a 13 percent pay raise for all city employees.
Advanced Call Center Technologies invested $1.5 million for a new Shreveport call center creating 600 jobs and an additional 314 indirect jobs.
American Electric Power invested $100 Million in their Shreveport Transmission Control center creating 20 direct jobs with an average yearly salary of $115,000.